

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Passive agressive

Just watched a PBS program on artist Wayne White. I had never heard of him, but I apparently know alot of his work, as he has done animation, set design, puppets and any number of other things for such t.v. shows as Pee Wee's Playhouse, Beakman's World and numerous MTV videos.
He has an acidic sense of humor, and incorporates it into everything he does. I LOVE the guy! He reminds me so much of me........
Well, his attitude does, anyway. I am not quite the success that he is, by any stretch of the imagination.
 Men are more readily accepted for having a sarcastic tongue than women are. In a guy, it's having a "biting wit". In a girl, it's just being obnoxious. Maybe sarcasm could be what's holding me back...
I don't hold out hope that I can truly express myself in the way he does without becoming a complete outcast. I was once a member of the "orchestra committee" of one of my symphonies, and it didn't take long to realize that board members have virtually no sense of humor and run screaming from the room if you try to express anything other than polite insincerity. I didn't do very well in that environment.
The white-collar class mystifies me sometimes....I don't understand the whole "politeness is a fine substitute for respect" bullsh#t. I mean, Joe Businessman would rather hear an obviously false compliment than something truthful, even in the spirit of utmost respect. Dishonesty seems to be the way that the upper crust keeps the peace, so to speak. "Make up something nice to say so we can get on with this meeting and avoid any punches being thrown, because lord knows we all despise one another".
John Boehner proved that point when he refused to continue talking to Barack Obama after "misinterpreted language" hurt his feelings ("I will not speak to you unless you compliment my tie!"). Washington politics is all about stroking egos, and nothing more. How can anyone get anything done when all you worry about is saying the right thing, even if that thing is complete crap?
Anyway, it was good to see someone who publicly mocks the established art world and everything else, and is getting positive recognition for it. Too many people take themselves too seriously in this world.         

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