

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Can anyone tell me what it is about going shopping that turns ordinarily sensible people into selfish, ignorant boneheads?
It seems that nearly every time I go to our neighborhood wally-world I run into packs of mindless, self-absorbed brick walls. You know the type....They sit in their car in an aisle of the parking lot blocking traffic for half an hour while they wait for someone to load groceries into a parked vehicle, get into the vehicle and finally pull out, all to secure the closest possible parking space (even though there was an empty one just four spaces up, and it isn't even raining).
They stand in the middle of an aisle INSIDE the store with their shopping cart positioned to obstruct anyone else's progress, while looking dazed and confused about why they are even there.
They bump into a neighbor whom they haven't seen in, oh.....Two days, and BOTH park their carts in the middle of the aisle intersection in order to catch up on important news.
And guys are SO prone to this.....Pulling their cart while walking alongside it instead of pushing it from behind, thereby making passing them impossible.  
Is there some universal, unwritten rule nobody told me about that says politeness and common sense must be left at home when you pull into a big parking lot?  "Me-First" is the attitude which gave birth to traffic lights, stripes on the asphalt and driver's ed....Do we need to institute a shopping center ordinance? Come on, people!
Interestingly, I mostly see this annoying behavior at big box stores. My small town grocery store doesn't seem to encourage undue socializing and space-hogging, and you will never see a run on the store on Black Friday. Is it the size of the property that immobilizes people's common sense? Maybe the sheer volume of merchandise acts like a tazer on their social skills. Overwhelmed by visual stimuli..... That must be it.  
I must now galvanize my will to proceed with my own Thanksgiving shopping. I think the battle plan will be to shop at midnight, on my way home from this weeks' symphony rehearsals. I will be zonked when I finally get home, but it beats putting up with idiots. Despite the many negative things for which which wally-world is responsible, at least they are open 24 hours and cheaper than a convenience store.

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