

Friday, August 8, 2014

Stormy Weather

We have had quite a lot of rain in the last two weeks. Well, a lot for the desert. Our monsoon season is not remotely on a par with the rains which deluge India, but we know how quickly the dry land becomes saturated with water, to the point that it has nowhere to go. Property damage is not unexpected, and everyone  complains that the city is not doing what it should about flood control.
I suppose it is not something which lands onto the council agenda during times of drought, and considering we normally only have two or three weeks of rainy season per summer, the question becomes, "Is it financially feasible?" Neighbors of ours who had sandbags piled in front of their homes would argue, "YES!!" The day when a City Council member's home is filled with mud brought by runoff from the mountains, we will see action. Until then, there is FEMA.
For a very Right Wing town, the idea of leaving something in the hands of the federal government seems ridiculous, yet that is what the procedure has been to date. Let the taxpayer pick it up at the federal level instead of the local level, where we have more control. Do just the opposite of what everyone preaches come election time, and wash your hands of any responsibility! Passing the buck is not dead.............
On the positive side, the clouds have brought some beautiful sunsets. The photo above was taken from our balcony. I think I will try to reproduce it in enamel, which I should get back to working on.... so please excuse me!

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