

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Performance Anxiety: Part 2

Finally! The audition list is out, and I have decided to go for it. The vacant position is for principal cello, but my hopes are to be runner up to my colleague (a highly talented and deserving candidate). That would put me in the assistant principal spot. Bad news though, it would only be for the following season. The Assistant vacancy would have to be advertised and then officially auditioned for, next year (meaning I would have to go through this whole thing again).
I have to get a workout regimen in place now, to build up some stamina in my shoulders....Playing rigorously for only two weeks out of every month at the most doesn't do much for endurance, and my concerto definitely requires some wind.
Case in point, we just came out of four back-to-back weeks of concerts, which is unheard of in these parts. My back became sore to the touch in places it never has before, clavicles were sore, shoulders and neck were stiff and if not for some phenomenal deep tissue massages from my better half, I don't think I'd be able to play another note right now. 
The orchestral excerpts on the list are from pieces I've played in the past, and so nothing is unfamiliar. I will, however need to get these little monsters sounding crystal clear and up to tempo (yes, at the same time). I am singularly grateful that there are no Tchaikovsky tunes on the list.....That guy really liked uncomfortable scales!
I am in the process of cleaning up my office in an attempt at creating a relaxing workspace, and thanks to the four-week cluster of gigs just passed, I will have a solid month of nothing to perform. I can spend my practice time exclusively on audition material. I will also have to drive four hours to the nearest professional string repair shop to have my fingerboard planed, as the surface is getting to look like seersucker. I am almost afraid to pluck notes, as the twangs are getting pretty obvious. I really hope that the fingerboard is still thick enough to plane, otherwise it will cost over $400 to replace it altogether. I need new strings too, at $200 for the set. And then there is the accompanist.............Eeeee! This is getting expensive....I hope it will be worth it.   

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