

Friday, September 13, 2013

Being a musician, I am surrounded by some pretty major ego (including my own). Ego manifests itself in a variety of ways, from insincere politeness to the prickliest sense of entitlement.
Some people pride themselves on always being the nicest person in the room, even at the expense of doing what is right. These folks avoid confrontation at all costs with a "Can't we all just get along??" kind of attitude, regardless of who will end up being taken for a ride.
Other individuals combine the knowledge that they are good at what they do with the understanding that they also don't have the stomach to play political games in order to get where they want to be. Such personalities sometimes end up becoming paranoid, feeling that their job performance is constantly being giggled at behind their back, while lesser-qualified personnel are promoted ahead of them. Resentment and low self esteem become the norm.
Still others adopt  "The Politic Mindset". This way of thinking tends to be adopted by those who know that they are not necessarily the best at what they do. These keenly conniving individuals learn the fine art of schmoozing, the most adept becoming so good at concealing their motives that any attempt to dislodge them from their acquired positions of influence leads to fierce retribution from unwitting followers.
Yet another group of personalities comprise those who really are better than anyone else around at what they do, and who are not shy about putting the rest of us in our places. 
Unfortunately for those who don't care to put up with any of the above nonsense and take it upon themselves to point out such flawed behavior, truthfulness simply serves to galvanize the delusional thinkers. Human beings apparently don't like to let go of selfish tendencies, especially when they are revealed by someone else.
All of this being said, while I am excited about beginning the new season in one of my symphony orchestras, I also feel a great sense of trepidation. Will our fantastic new conductor elicit an evolved consciousness within the ranks, elevating our performances to a point of nirvana? Will the guy distance himself from those seeking to unduly influence him with their constant fawning? Will he make those critical personnel decisions with an ear towards improving our quality of sound, or will he be sucked into the close-knit circle of cronies, bowing to those who have maintained their positions through being "indispensable" in non-musical ways?         
We can only hope for truth, justice and talent to prevail.

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