

Friday, June 27, 2014

Having Courage

I just recently decided to try asking some enameling questions on a website dedicated to the jewelry arts ( I wasn't quite sure how these forum things worked, but I signed up and jumped in with both feet.
To my surprise, my first question received a reply from the gentleman who made a torch-fired enameling video which I had purchased awhile back, and I have since been generously supplied with more information from him. He directed me to yet another fabulous website ( dedicated specifically to enameling.
When I was a kid, I never learned how to ask questions when I didn't understand something, and it has taken some courage to start doing so as an adult. These two forums have opened up a whole world of helpfulness from folks who are truly professionals, to those like myself who are hoping to learn from others' trial and error. If you don't ask, you probably won't find out!

Here are a pair of "cabochons" for earrings, showing a layer of black with silver foil, and another with a wet-packed layer of transparent color over top.

The next photo is of the finished cabs. Now, I just have to set them in bezels.

  I want to buy lots more colors to work with, but perhaps I should do more experimenting with what I've got before I go nuts with the checkbook.....It is difficult to be patient!